Frequently Asked Questions


How do I join?

What suppliers work with Open Pantry?

"How is Open Pantry free?"

Why use this ordering platform?

How does it all work?

Does Open Pantry work where I live?

Can I integrate Open Pantry into my current ordering system?

Can other suppliers see my customers?

Can I trial Open Pantry?

Why choose Open Pantry? What are the benefits?

How do Open Pantry orders work with my wholesale distribution/delivery process?

As a wholesaler/distributor, what are the main benefits of using Open Pantry?

All my customers have different prices, can this work with you?

Do I need to contact my customers to receive orders?


Is Open Pantry free to use?

How do I get set up?

What suppliers can I order with?

What if a supplier I want to order with isn’t on Open Pantry?

Do you have Open Pantry near me?

Why choose OP to be your ‘go to’ platform?

Who should use Open Pantry?

How do I pay for Open Pantry orders?

How do deliveries work?

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